University High School athletic programs are not adequately funded by the School or District. The Boosters contribute $800-900 or more per player, per season. Our volunteers work hard to raise money from corporate sponsorships and other fundraisers, but family donations are the most critical part of our annual budget. The Booster budget includes basic expenses that many families are surprised to discover are not paid for by the school or District, including some safety equipment and pads, extensive supplemental coaching, the play book app, sideline technology, uniforms, team meals, Senior Night, the annual Banquet and other special events, coach gifts, and so much more. It is critical that every family contribute in order to continue to maintain a quality and safe program for our student athletes. Our goal is 100% participation!
If you are able, we strongly encourage you to consider an additional donation to the program. One additional donation can be made to this Family Donation item in the drop down menu before adding to your cart. Or, if you would like to add more than one additional donation, please add additional individual donations to your cart before checking out. More information about the additional donation options can be found under each item on the family donation page.
Thank you for supporting the Uni Football Program! We appreciate your contribution!
Uni Football Boosters is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization I TAX ID# 42-1733054
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